BUSEN has 2.9hunderd million Yuan’s assets, 3,150starfs, 7factories, 5branches and 2 overseas trading companies. It has an output of 6.50million pieces of shirts, 0.61million sets of suits, 3.26million pairs of trousers, and 1 million pieces of ties, 0.4millon pieces of T-shirts and under clothes. Being market-guiding and quality is its most important business policy. It got the certification of ISO9001, ISO9002, IS014001 and it was given high-class products by state supervision and inspection center garment quality several times. Our goods have a good sale at a lot of countries, for example: middle east, Asia market (Singapore, Japanese, Korea,) Canada, America, South America, England, Germany, France, Italy and some other countries. You can get some other information through our web side: http://www.busen-group.com
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